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How to treat syphilis and gonorrhea

 Symptoms of syphilis Symptoms of syphilis can develop according to the 5 stages experienced, namely: 
1. Symptoms in primary syphilis
Symptoms in this condition generally appear in the form of wounds with 10 to 90 days after the bacteria enter the body. The recovery takes around 3 to 6 weeks.
2. Symptoms in secondary syphilis
Secondary syphilis occurs several weeks after the wound disappears, with a rash found in any part of the body especially in the palms of the hands and feet. Other symptoms are similar to flu, fatigue, headache, joint pain and fever. Immediately handle secondary syphilis, so that the infection does not continue to the next stage.
3. Symptoms in latent syphilis
Latent syphilis occurs with no symptoms, but during the first 12 months, the infection can still be transmitted. If latent syphilis is not immediately treated, it will turn into tertiary syphilis.
4. Symptoms in tertiary syphilis
Tertiary syphilis is the most dangerous syphilis. The body part where the syphilis bacteria enter will affect the symptoms that are experienced. Tertiary syphilis will have an impact on the eyes, brain, heart, blood vessels, liver, bones and joints, so that sufferers will experience stroke, blindness and heart disease due to sexually transmitted infections.
5. Symptoms in congenital syphilis
Pregnant women who have syphilis can transmit infection to their fetus. Reducing the risk of syphilis for pregnant women can be treated before the pregnancy reaches 4 months. If not treated immediately, then pregnant women will be affected by complications, such as premature babies, miscarriages, babies born with syphilis, loss of the baby's life shortly after birth.
Causes of syphilis
Syphilis is an infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum that can be transmitted. The spread of syphilis is generally through sexual relations with people who are infected. Besides through intimate relationships, the bacteria that cause syphilis can spread through the body fluids of the sufferer, namely blood.
Syphilis treatment
For primary and secondary syphilis, treatment can be done with penicillin through injections usually carried out for approximately 14 days. Whereas in tertiary syphilis and syphilis in pregnant women, treatment takes longer and uses antibiotics given by infusion. After taking antibiotic treatment, you with syphilis will undergo a blood test to ensure that the infection has completely healed.
Prevention of syphilis
How to avoid syphilis:
• Avoid alcohol and illegal drugs.
• Have one permanent partner for sexual intercourse.
• Stop having sexual contact for a long time.
• Discuss openly about a history of venereal disease experienced with a partner.
• Get used to using a condom if you have to have sex with an unknown person.

package above is a treatment package for 1 (one) week, the price of US$ 48,8 consisting of:
1 bottle of BD Capsule contains 50 capsules, 1 bottle of Gang Jie contains 50 capsules, 1 bottle of Ghosiah contains 50 capsules, 1 Djie Salve
For maximum treatment results, order the package for 1 (one) month, with a price of US$ 175,9 consisting of:
4 bottle of BD Capsule contains 50 capsules, 4 bottle of Gang Jie contains 50 capsule, 4 bottle of Ghosiah contains 50 capsules, 4 Djie Salve
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